FAQ – TOP 5 9th December 2020 – Posted in: Jewellery care, Jewellery news, News – Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

It’s been so lovely to have a shop doors open again and I can’t tell you how great it has been to speak to customers face to face. We’ve had a wonderful response in the store, with so many of you coming in Christmas shopping, getting your jewellery spruced up and just all the general everyday stuff, it makes me so happy to have this little bit of normal back. 

Whilst over the lockdown period and now that we have been back a week or so, I have found quite a few of our customers asking similar questions, which has lead me to dedicate this weeks post to the top 5 frequently asked questions, so lets jump straight to it.

1. Can I change my yellow gold jewellery to white gold or platinum?

Yes of course you can, to us there are two ways of doing this.  The fist way to do this is to have your existing jewellery Rhodium Plated. To read more about the benefits and further information about Rhodium Plating please click here. Rhodium Plating is a great way to give yellow gold the appearance of white gold, however rhodium plating is not a permanent solution and will wear back to the yellow gold underneath over time. This is however the cheaper option, with ourselves it only costs £30 for Rhodium Plating per ring and gives a wonderful shine and protection to your precious jewellery. The second is to duplicate your items of jewellery in the material of your choice, this of course is the more costly option given the materials used and the craftsmanship that will go into making the jewellery, however it is a permanent solution. 

2. What is the difference between White Gold Dipping and Rhodium plating?

There is very little difference to be honest, there is very much a myth and legend surrounding this subject in the jewellery community. Most White Gold Jewellery is Rhodium Plated to bring out that beautiful luminous, shine that we all look for. Even white gold itself has a yellow tinge to it and so is rhodium plated in order to make it more marketable to customers standards. That’s not to say that all white gold is Rhodium Plated. To find out more about the process of Rhodium Plating please click here. 

3.Can my rings be re-sized? 

Yes, your rings can we re-sized either way. This is a very popular service with ourselves and prices start from £45. Sometimes there may be a particular reason as to why it may be inadvisable to re-size a ring, often this is due to the design of the ring and the placement of the intricacies and detail. 

If you wish to have your ring re-sized we will ask you to come into store so that we can get an exact ring size and make sure that the re-sizing process is possible with the particular item. 

Bespoke Ring from Guy Wakeling Signature Collection.

4. Is it cheaper to have my old jewellery remodelled than it is to buy new jewellery?

That is the million dollar question! It is always dependant on the type of jewellery you have and what you are looking to have made. Of course with all the materials present it will lower the overall cost. You do have to bare in mind that you are having something completely bespoke and original made and that regardless of the materials brought to the table you are paying for incredible craftsmanship and quality. For more on our remodelling service please click here. 

5.What happens during an appointment or consultation with yourselves?

There can be many reasons to book an appointment with us, you would like old jewellery remodelling, you would like a completely bespoke piece made or your looking to make wedding bands or an engagement ring, what ever the reason it all starts at this appointment. Once you come in for your appointment you’ll sit down with Guy and have a chat about what you want for your piece of jewellery, this can be anything, you could have a catalogue of ideas, you could be very specific or you could have no clue what-so-ever about what you want and that’s no problem either. Guy will chat with you about your idea or inspiration and what could work. We will also talk materials and budget. When you are happy, that’s when we set to work and let you know when your jewellery will be ready for. Please remember that these appointments are free and if you’re not happy or you’re just not ready then that’s not a problem. We believe this is a journey and a lovely process and we need you as the customer to be 100% happy. There is certainly no obligation, plus Guy loves being let out of the workshop every now and again. 

Though this question isn’t as popular as the others, we have been asked this a couple of times this month and so I would like to touch upon it. We have recently been asked about ashes, and though we are new to this process, we have completed a couple of rings which have contained ashes in a UV resign channelled into the back of a ring. It’s a lovely way to discreetly and safely keep a part of your loved ones close to you on a day to day basis. If you wish to discuss this then please get in contact with us and we can make an appointment. 

Hopefully this have been usefully for yourself and if not I hope you had a chilled out five mins away from it all.  If you have any questions about any of our services then please don’t hesitate to contact us simply click here, alternatively you can reach us on social media or you can pick up the blower and give us a call on 01772 379956 we would love to help in any way we can. 

Until next time, stay safe and take care. 
