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Easy Personalisation Gift Guide

Well I don’t know about you lovelies but this winter season has truly crept up on me. I feel like I’ve only just seen the leaves turn yellow and then all of a sudden the leaves are off the trees, the Christmas decks are up and there’s a scuffle at the super market for the best Turkey crown, where has the time gone? So with Christmas countdowns on the go we thought gift inspiration and…

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Bridal Jewellery

Well everyone it feels as if we are edging closer and closer to normality and I for one am loving being able to have friends and family into the garden and house for the first time. Admittedly the latest announcement delaying the June 21st easing wasn’t exactly what we were looking but… British resilience will continue. One of the more talked about subjects of this easing was of course Weddings (and quite rightly so). It…

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Metal Guide

As we head towards the Easter Holidays, there seems to be so much going. For all us poor parents we are back with the kids full time (least we don’t have to combat home schooling though). As a business we are heading towards re-opening again. As a non-essential shop we will be allowed to open to the public on the 12th of April YAY! We’re so excited, we’ve been busy making preparations for this, cleaning,…

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Mothers Day Gift Guide

With schools going back on the 8th of March and preparations to be made for the 12th of April, this means in less and less time to spend worrying about to get your dear mummy this Mothers Day. So never fear, the Mothers Day Gift Guide is here, to provide you with some fabulous ideas and a sprinkling of inspiration to aid you in that all important gift choice. I still can’t believe that Mothers…

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Whether you are Little Miss/Mr Organised or you’ve done a forget me not! Valentines Day is less than two weeks away. There’s a lot to think about this year, with restrictions from Lockdown 3.0, so were all racking our brains on how to get creative and make the most of this romantic day. If you are stuck for ideas for the day then why not give this blog by Where’s Mollie a quick read CLICK…

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Valentines Gifting Ideas

Who’d of thought when you were buying gifts last year and making reservations for dining and stay away that this year would be so different. Just like Christmas, this year is going to be a virtual Valentines Day. Whilst necessity is the mother of all invention, and so whilst you will be busy on planning how you are creatively going to spend the day, I have put together a little blog of ideas, so that…

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